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Goal 5: Gender Equality
Thousands Of Iranian School Girls Are Being Poisoned
In the past three months, more than 1000 Iranian students - mostly schoolgirls - have fallen ill from suspected poisonings, possibly with toxic gas.
By Jessica Jurkschat
7 march 2023
On 1st March, dozens of girls in more than 25 schools across the country reportedly fell ill, many of them reporting similar symptoms, including respiratory problems, nausea, dizziness and fatigue.
Many in Iran believe students are being deliberately poisoned in an attempt to close girls' schools, which have been one of the centres of anti-government protests since Mahsa Amini’s death in September.

Now, the Iranian government is refusing to shut down schools to investigate the mass poisonings. Some reports even show that head mistresses are stopping girls from leaving school to seek medical attention.
So far the government has not done a thorough investigation to find out the root of these attacks or the physical harm it can cause, nor they have provided security for these schools to protect the students.

Iranian schoolgirls have been at the forefront of the Woman. Life. Freedom. movement and the recent uprising in Iran. In a country where expressing autonomy as a woman can result in death, the actions of these schoolgirls to demand freedom and equality is extraordinarily brave.
Women’s rights are human rights.
The unjust killings of all protesters must stop. Let’s show our support by signing petitions for political pressure and populating solidarity protests worldwide.
We stand in solidarity with the women of Iran and add our voices to theirs in calling for freedom and justice.
Please stay informed and help amplify the voices of those in Iran.
Spread the word. Use your voice. Say their names.