Goal 3: Good Health and Well-Being
Been told to self isolate? Here are 10 things that you can do to help keep yourself feeling energetic, productive and optimistic whilst at home
By leanne walstow
23 august 2021
Whether you've been pinged by the app or are waiting on some test results after feeling under the weather, staying home can help protect those around you from COVID-19. Whilst 10 days of self isolation can feel like a daunting prospect at first, there are things that you can do to make the time a little more enjoyable. Here are 10 ways to keep yourself feeling energetic, productive and optimistic whilst living your best life at home.

1. Set up a home spa
Bring the spa to your living room and set aside an evening for indulgent self care. Light some candles, run a bath, pop on a facemask (you could even make one during the day!) or try your hand at some nail art. It’s more important than ever to make sure you’re making time to look after your own wellbeing. Bonus points if you turn off your phone throughout!
2. Get in the kitchen
Few things are more comforting than a home cooked meal or more delicious than a home-made cake. Get busy in the kitchen trying out new recipes and rediscovering old favourites. If you’re ready to play the long game, crack on with meal prep in the morning and set a stew to slow-cook throughout the day.
3. Daydream
Permission granted to sit on the sofa and stare into space whilst thinking of post-isolation life. Start a Pinterest for a trip you hope to take in the future, or make plans for when your isolation is over - book a table at that local restaurants you've been wanting to try - looking ahead is a great way to stay optimistic and remind yourself that good times are coming.
4. Conquer your bookshelf
Shelf full of books that you never get the time to read? That hefty classic that you’ve started at least 5 times staring you down? Frankly, there’s no better time to get lost in a fictional world, so put the kettle on and nestle down to lose yourself for a few hours. Imagine the bragging rights when you emerge from quarantine having conquered ‘War and Peace’... If you want to make reading a social event, plan for a book club with your friends.
5. Get crafty
Doing something with your hands is a great way to soothe anxiety and keep yourself busy without over-exerting your brain. Dig out the materials from a long-abandoned hobby and get painting, stitching, printing and making! If you’re interested in sewing look up tips and tricks to repair and upgrade your clothes: thrifty, sustainable and an updated post-quarantine wardrobe - a winner all round.

6. Stay in touch
One of the silver linings of the pandemic was that people found themselves more in touch with long-distance family and friends than ever before. Maybe it’s because we all had more time, maybe it’s because we've gained a new appreciation for what is truly precious, one thing is for sure: video calls are here to stay! Organise a virtual coffee with your friend who lives in another city, cook along with your mum, or join a Zoom yoga class if you're feeling up to it.
7. Learn a new skill
Having a go at learning something new is a great way to make sure that your days still feel productive in isolation. If you’re looking to upskill yourself for work, try making a start on learning how to code (easier than it sounds) or start an online course. If you’re dreaming of all the trips you’re going to take when travel opens up more why not crack on with learning a language so you can chat with the locals on your adventures!
8. Volunteer
If you still want to do some good from home why not sign up to a phone volunteering programme such as the ones run by Age UK? The pandemic shone a light on those who were facing isolation before it was the norm and made us realise how important it is that nobody is left behind. Signing up to chat over the phone with isolated older people is a great way to help make a huge difference to someone’s day.

9. Clear out your closet
Wardrobe bursting at the seams with things that you never end up wearing? Sort through your clothes and consider what can be donated, what can be recycled and what can be handed over to charity shops as scraps. You'll probably find that once you've got your wardrobe down to things that you truly love, you'll have an easier time coming up with new creative outfit combos to show off post-isolation.
10. Treat yourself
If you’re in a financial position to buy more than just the essentials, treat yourself to something that will make your quarantine a little brighter; whether it’s a pair of shoes that you’ve been lusting after, a bunch of flowers to brighten your home or some fancy mail-order sweet treats. Many small businesses had a tough time over lockdown so take time to do a little research to discover some small sustainable brands making beautiful things.
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